Cantonal Office for Unemployment Insurance (KAST)

The KAST covers a wide field of responsibilities; aside from serving as a contact and advice centre, it also acts as a control and authorisation entity which ensures that benefits are only disbursed in justified cases.


Entitlement notifications and referrals from the Regional Employment Centres (RAV) and Unemployment Insurance Funds are processed by KAST which also passes respective regulations and decisions regarding objections.

In response to submitted complaints, KAST draws up comments which are subsequently transferred to the Social Insurance Court of the Canton of Basel-Stadt and to the Federal Supreme Court.

KAST supports insured, entitled claimants in commencing self-employment. If you have any legal questions regarding unemployment, please contact us at or contact our legal advice by telephone.

Further information regarding unemployment and job searching

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Reduced Working Hours / Bad Weather Compensation

If working hours have to be reduced or work has to be discontinued temporarily due to financial reasons, a claim to reduced working hour compensation arises. The same applies to weather-related stoppages.

Are you an employer who is forced to introduce reduced working hours or pay bad weather compensation? KAST notifies you of the respective requirements and assesses reduced working hour or bad weather notifications.

Further information regarding reduced working hour or bad weather compensation

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